

Roberto Grimani

Master Chiseller

Italiano Italiano




The Art


Embos. Tech.

Sacred Art

Jewel Labyrinth


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Sacred Art



Precious metals like gold and silver have always been used for religious purposes for the creation of sacred works.


Hence the indissoluble union between the goldsmith engraver, capable of shaping metals by using embossing, engraving and chiseling, and Sacred Art, the earthly expression of the Divine. This technique makes each piece unique and unrepeatable, just as man is. Using this method on its own is not enough however, because it is the philosophy applied to the laboratory technique which gives a deep significance to each piece, both for the nature of the piece in itself as for its form.


That which determines the nature of a "sacred" piece is also linked to the philosophy and lifestyle of the one who creates it. There is necessarily a coherence, a responsibility, which shows in the lifestyle of the creator. The artist imprints on his work something of himself and his essence.


When "art and life" coincide, in fact, the piece embodies the essence of time and space, managing best to convey the Essence of life, so "dear" to the Divine.


My products are exclusively hand-made, embossed and engraved, and therefore unique


Quattro Evangelisti - Miniature in argento 925 Angioletti in argento 925 Parte di calice in bronzo Parte di calice in bronzo
Santo Apollinare - Palla per calice realizzata per la Basilica di Ravenna - Lastra di bronzo dorato Santo Apollinare - Palla per calice realizzata per la Basilica di Ravenna - Lastra di bronzo dorato Santo Apollinare - Palla per calice realizzata per la Basilica di Ravenna - Lastra di bronzo dorato Logo Fondazione Abbazia di Morimondo - Lastra di bronzo
Restauro di angelo in bronzo Piastra con angioletti Croce con rose in argento 925 sbalzata e cesellata Applicazioni per monumenti cimiteriali personalizzate eseguite su disegno a sbalzo e cesello
Applicazioni per monumenti cimiteriali personalizzate eseguite su disegno a sbalzo e cesello      




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